$777.00 USD

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases
  1. I acknowledge that Daniel Raphael and other Dreamporting Practitioners & Instructors are Intuitive Guides. I acknowledge that no team members are medical doctors or psychology professionals, nor are they licensed financial advisors, marriage counselors or lawyers, nor are they claiming to have any special certifications of any kind. I acknowledge that I will not hold Daniel Raphel and Other Dreamporting Practitioners liable if I fail to check with my physician or mental health professional or fail to follow their advice. 

I agree that I won’t begin or stop taking medication without checking with my physician. I agree and acknowledge that I must make Daniel Raphael and Dreamporting LLC aware any health conditions that may be impacted by our work we encourage you to let us know so we can accommodate you.  


I acknowledge that Daniel Raphael and other Dreamporting Practitioners & Instructors have the right and sole discretion to dismiss me from any course if I am disrespectful or disruptive. 


In the case that a specific practitioner or instructor happens to have any of these other non-Dreamporting certifications, such as being a doctor or psychologist, I understand that they are not acting in that official capacity and are only acting as Dreamporting Practitioners & Instructors. Accordingly, any information or ideas they share during our work together is only a personal opinion and will not be construed as medical or psychological advice, professional financial advisory services, legal advice or anything else other than their personal opinion and intuitive guidance. I further understand that if I have a medical or psychological condition, it is advisable to seek medical or psychological advice from a licensed professional in those fields.

I agree and acknowledge that any mention of supplement, elixir or medicine mentioned are  for  information and entertainment purposes only. I acknowledge that Daniel Raphael and Dreamporting Practitioners & instructors are not giving medical or nutritional advice.  


  1. In consideration of the services, information, and support I have received or will hereafter receive from Daniel Raphael or any other Dreamporting Practitioners & Instructors, I hereby hold harmless Daniel Raphael, any and all Dreamporting Practitioners & Instructors, Dreamporting LLC, and any related entities from any and all liability in consequence of such services, information and support given, and I release and waive all claim for damage, as a result of such services, information and support. This release shall be effective and binding upon my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assigned. I have read this waiver & release in its entirety before agreeing to it, and I understand its effect. I understand that I am waiving certain legal rights that I or my heirs, next of kin, executors or administrators otherwise may have had.
  1. I understand that the classes, training, facilitations, live calls and events, question and answer sessions, information, materials, methods, techniques, frameworks, worksheets, attachments, recordings and all related content taught and shared by Daniel Raphael and any Dreamporting Practitioners & Instructors in any format or setting (hereafter referred to as “the information”) are designed for my own educational purposes only. I understand that “the information” contains copyrighted material and may include trade secrets and other intellectual property that is the sole property of Daniel Raphael and/or Dreamporting LLC, and that without specific written permission from Daniel Raphael, “the information” may not be reproduced in any manner in whole or in part and may not be shared in whole or in part in digital or non-digital format, in person or over the phone or in any other way with anyone else or in any public or private forums or groups now or in the future. I further agree not to use any of “the information”with other people or private clients until I have completed at least Level I Dreamporting Certification with Daniel Raphael or another instructor he has officially authorized to teach Level I Dreamporting Certification. I further agree to refer to “the information” or any part of it as “The Dreamporting” or “Part Of The Dreamporting System”, and I will not refer to it  by any other name. I agree not to share any writings about or summaries of any of “the information” or teach any part of it to others in a group program or privately one on one or in any other setting or via any other means without written permission from Daniel Raphael or Dreamporting LLC.
  1. I hereby grant Daniel Raphael, Dreamporting LLC, and any and all associates or assignees the unlimited right to 1) record my voice and image at any time during any of the programs I am enrolled in or any events or calls I attend (other than during any private 1-on-1 sessions) 2) use my first name, voice and video recordings, and written, voice and/or video comments and testimonials in any form of products (including but not limited to audio, digital, and/or physical products), as well as in sales and marketing materials both on and offline, and 3) publish, distribute, and/or sell these materials in any form.
  1. I understand that if I purchase one or more private sessions with Daniel that I need to provide 24 hours notice to reschedule. I agree that if I don’t reschedule with 24 hours notice or if I show up more than 5 minutes late for my session, it will be considered a no show, and I will lose my session and will not receive a full or partial refund for the session.
  1. Refund Policy – 14 day 

I agree and acknowledge that Daniel Raphael& Dreamporting LLC operate a 14 day full refund policy for Mastery Certification & Rapid Awakening programs. I agree to completing an Exit Interview with Dreamporting LLC as part of the refund protocol. I understand that Dreamporting LLC reserves the right to request confirmation of my participation in online classes and proof that I have completed the course work or modules as part of my exit interview. 


I agree and acknowledge Daniel Raphael& Dreamporting LLC operate a full refund policy for Mastery Certification & Rapid Awakening Programs purchased as a Bundle. The refund policy is 14 days from the date of purchase. I agree to complete an Exit Interview with Dreamporting LLC for both Mastery & Rapid Awakening if I purchase them as a bundle. 


I agree and acknowledge that Daniel Raphael& Dreamporting LLC operate a pro-rata refund policy for purchases that are made via payment plan in line with the 14 day Refund Policy. 


 7: I agree and acknowledge that I will have access to the programs I have purchased for the lifetime of the program as long as Daniel Raphael & Dreamporting LLC choose to run the programs. Daniel Raphael & Dreamporting LLC reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of the program at any point during its lifetime. I understand that I will be notified of any changes that may affect my access to the program. 


I agree and acknowledge that Daniel Raphael& Dreamporting LLC reserve the right to withdraw access to programs purchased via payment plans where payments have failed 3 consecutive times until such time payment is completed and an individual’s account is up to date in line with purchase agreement terms. I agree to communicate with Dreamporting LLC via email [email protected] to make them aware of any changes to my debit or credit cards which may affect Dreamporting’s ability to process my payment. 

Rapid Awakening & Mastery Certification Bundle

Experience a complete inner and outer transformation in RA and dive deep into the Dreamporting method in the Mastery!

What you'll get:

  • The complete Dreamporting method and protocol 
  • Advanced trainings and activations
  • Powerful meditations and rituals
  • A loving Facebook Group community
  • LIVE biweekly support calls for life!

[ See Terms and Conditions for 14 day refund Policy ]

What People Are Saying:

I’m going thru the courses for Mastery and Certification. I’m a Reiki practitioner and I’ve experienced AMAZING AND LIFE CHANGING releases that were blocking me from helping others reach their next levels while taking this course. I’ve also manifested AMAZING OPPORTUNITIES AND FINANCIAL JUMPS IN INCOME from utilizing this course. I ABSOLUTELY RECOMMEND signing up! Much love, success and abundance to you all


Having just finished RA I wanted to write a review for you. I have never done anything like this before and am at the start of my spiritual growth path, so it has been quite the ride! I have found the structure of the course easy to follow and the amount of content each week manageable, so I didn't feel like I was struggling to keep up. The meditations and activations have all been amazing experiences which made me realise that there really is more out there than I ever imagined, and I've learned that I can connect to that energy.
